Thursday, November 5, 2020

cute ass comment in style of denialists

cute ass comment in style of denialists

How dare you point to these extreme weather events as proof of global warming. How unscientific of you! Whoever taught you statistics should have their 2.49 children shot, on average.
If we consider all possible worlds, real and fictional, we should be not surprised by extremes. I notice you didn’t mention all the fictional Earths where the planet froze solid. How convenient of you!
I am obliged to end this note castigating you for writing about dead trees when you should have been playing up all the brave scientists working on future speculative Breakthroughs, that allow us to continue burning oil at growing rates, which is the only way we can sustain our current Utopia of Limitless Wealth. It is a strange kind of Utopia – the kind that can stay hidden from 1.7 billion people who live in absolute poverty (our Utopia is such a playful rascal) – but it is a Utopia nonetheless.